How To Grow Herbs Indoors
January 27, 2024

Maybe you’ve opted to grow your herbs indoors but still unsure how to keep your plants in an optimal state. Or you simply do not have the luxury of time, and commitment outdoor that gardening requires. Maybe you want to grow herbs indoors for the color pop, vibrancy, and deliciousness that homegrown herbs provide.

Whatever your reasons for growing herbs indoors, exposure to sunlight is a major factor that determines whether your herbs will grow. It would be best to place your pots in the sunniest spot where they can get at least 6 hours of daylight for photosynthesis. South-facing windows are the best spots to place your herb pots as it is the spot that gets the most sunlight in the house.

You may have to buy a grow light or led light to mimic the natural sunlight during the winter months; otherwise, growth might crawl to a stop till yet another spring.

We have compiled in this article the ultimate guide to growing herbs indoors.

  • Choose herbs that thrive well indoors

Although most herbs can grow as well indoors as they will in an outdoor garden, we recommend you choose relatively easy herbs for beginners. Herbs like chives, oregano, mint, and parsley are good examples.

You can start your garden with seeds from a garden shop or cuttings of an existing plant.

  • Get a container that drains

You can use any container as your herb but ensure it has proper drainage.

An essential point to consider in any container you’re opting to use is its drainage. As oversaturated soil gives poor yield, which you want to avoid.

To protect your surfaces, you should also get a saucer or plate to serve as a barrier between your herb pot and your surfaces.

We also recommend you use fairly large pots when planting so that your herbs do not quickly outgrow the pot and need repotting.

  • Watering and harvesting

Moderation is key in watering and harvesting. You should water just enough for your plant to survive, which isn’t so much water in most cases. Too little water is as dangerous to your herbs as too much. Your soil should be moist but not soggy or dry-looking.

Also, harvesting more than a fourth of your herbs at a time can kill the plant, and failure to harvest may stifle growth.

  • Say bye to your indoor herb

When you do it right, your herbs will ultimately outgrow their pots. This means you would have to transfer the plant outside, which might be a sad parting. However, you can always cut it at the node and soak it in water till new roots come out and you plant again, repeating the cycle.

Indoor gardening is a rewarding and interesting experience. Getting started doesn’t have to be an impossible task. The tips given above are a surefire way to get yourself a bountiful harvest even if you don’t have a green thumb.