5 Common Swimming Equipment And Their Uses
January 6, 2024

As with every sport, there is a variety of equipment required in swimming to ease the process, make competitions easy and more fun or train beginners. We classify swimming equipment into three based on their uses:

1. Swimming competition equipment

This equipment is required in competitions and is used to ensure fairness and safety. Examples are lap counters, pools, and starter blocks.

2. Swimming safety equipment

Their general function is to guarantee the safety of swimmers. They are used to protect swimmers from the adverse effects of their extended stay in the water or to prevent drowning. They include rings, arm floaties, nose clips, and earplugs.

3. Swimming training equipment

This equipment is used during training to facilitate improvement or teach new swimmers how to swim. Most swimming training equipment have other uses apart from training new swimmers. People also use them in water aerobics to train specific body parts. Sometimes, seasoned swimmers also use this equipment to train some aspects of their stroke or improve their speed.

Below are 5 common training equipment and some of their uses.

  • Noodles

Noodles are floatation devices that beginners sometimes use to stay afloat in water. They are cylindrical-shaped foam made from buoyant polyethylene foam. Noodles are used by beginners and in aqua aerobics to train the arms during routine exercises. Another use of noodles is in rescue reaching.

  • Kickboards

Swimmers use kickboards to strengthen their core and kicks. Kickboards are usually made out of buoyant materials like plastic or foam. To use, swimmers hold the kickboards in front of them with their hands and use only the strength of their kicks to propel themselves forward. Some kickboards are less buoyant so the swimmer can engage both their legs and core to move.

  • Pace clock

A pace clock is a staple of every training facility. Coaches use pace clocks to gauge how fast a swimmer is. During interval training, they also help to keep time. It can also be used on a waterproof watch for the swimmer to measure his speed personally.

  • Resistance gloves

These gloves are open webbed gloves designed to increase water resistance. Swimmers wear them to increase the intensity of the work the upper body has to do to wade through the water. Using the gloves while swimming gives swimmers a more intense workout and a more toned body than without them.

  • Pool toys

These are brightly colored toys mainly used for fun in the pool. Pool toys stay afloat on the water for a few seconds before sinking because they are made with flexible plastic. Swimmers make a game out of this by trying to retrieve it in the fastest time possible, thus training to increase their swimming speed.

In conclusion, the most common training equipment serves more than one purpose. You don’t have to be a beginner to need any as they’re sure to improve your swimming with constant practice and dedication.